IsoDoorCaddy™ 30-Day Trial

Your facility may evaluate Iso Door Caddy for a 30-day trial period. The trial period begins when the caddy is delivered. The IsoDoorCaddy™ must be returned, in the new condition, if not purchased. The facility agrees to pay shipping. Please provide your carrier/shipper number below. If the IsoDoorCaddy™ is not returned after the trial period, the facility will be charged $225.00 to cover the cost of the caddy and the hooks included. One trial per facility.

To Submit this Form: Print this form and complete all information requested. Incomplete forms will not be considered for this trial. One trial per facility.

Fax to: (704) 636-9840

Email to:

Mail to: Isolation Door Caddy, LLC, 325 Laurel Valley Way, Salisbury NC 28144